Nettle – Animal Crackers

$28.00 inc. GST


11 in stock


Animal Crackers: Nettle – Stacy Nash Primitives

Nettle the sweet rabbit has a fancy dress, mask and a pumpkin charm so she is all ready for Halloween trick or treating

Finished Size: 3″ w by 8″ h
Stitch Count: 51 by 137

36 count Needle Bling Linen +Ween Beans+
Weeks Dye Works Threads
1101 Light Khaki
2253 Sanguine
1303 Charcoal
2238 Sweet Potato
2225a Marmalade
1110 Parchment
3910 Mascara
1154 Graphite
1232a Oilcloth
1133 Conch